Fade in on the ceiling. Moving into frame is Eva, who's
face rises from one side of the lens. As she rises, she
pulls up one strap of her night top. She looks down at the
lens, into the eyes of the man she straddles. The camera's
POV is that of the man. Eva looks down at a point between
her legs, then back up at the man. A moment passes.
You want me to try again?
There is no answer. There is no response.
EVA (cont'd)
It doesn't mean anything. (beat) It
is not important.
There is no answer. There is no response.
EVA (cont'd)
What is important is love, and mine
grows stronger for you with each day.
There is no answer. There is no response. Eva again looks
down at a point between her legs. She is lost in thought.
EVA (cont'd)
I watch you with people. I see how you
watch them. How you speak only when
you have something to say. Others,
they talk and talk and all they talk is
nonsense. I can see you analyzing
them, dissecting them...dissecting
their words, what they mean, whether
they're lying.
There is no answer. There is no response. Eva pauses a
EVA (cont'd)
I could tell you were annoyed at Martin
the other day. I don't like him. He's
a sycophant.
Eva watches the man's reaction to her remark.
EVA (cont'd)
But I know you know that. I also know
you don't like Hermann anymore. I can
tell. You keep your distance from that
fat slob...you cock your head and look
at him sideways. These things I see.
Eva again looks down at he man, examining him. A moment
EVA (cont'd)
The people should see you now.
We know that the man reacts to this remark by Eva's
reaction. She quickly glances down between her legs, and
is embarrassed by her remark.
EVA (cont'd)
I don't mean like this in bed...with
me. I mean when you are gentle. The
people don't know how gentle you are.
That is a failing of Josef. He must
tell the people, he must show your
compassion...I...don't like the way
Josef's wife looks at you. I think she
wants to make love to you...I think she
wants to have your children...You know,
she thinks she's better than me. She
does not treat me well...and her little
brats...our children would be so
beautiful...so perfect...so...
Eva realizes she has touched on a senstive topic. She
again glances between her legs.
EVA (cont'd)
Maybe there is a reason...God has a
plan...he does not want you to focus on
animal instincts. He wants you to keep
your focus on the people...on the
future...on leading us into the future.
Maybe that's why...there's talk about
how...how you became this way. They
say when you were young a friend made
you a dare that you wouldn't stick
your...into the mouth of a goat...and
that...well that the goat took a bite
out of you...and that's why...
There is no answer. There is no response. The man reacts.
Eva examines him with concern.
EVA (cont'd)
You're crying. See how gentle a man
you are. See how sensitive. Only once
before have I seen you cry. At that
speech last year in Munich...don't cry.
It is better this way. Now you are not
distracted by petty human impulses.
That goat did the people a favor.
Maybe that goat was an angel, and this
was your covenant with God to do his
work on earth.
Eva leans down, here eyes just inches from the lens. Eva
kisses the man. She raises her head and looks into the
man's eyes and whispers.
EVA (cont'd)
I love you. You are not half a
man...you are more than a man...more
than any other man. And it is our
secret that God and you have a
Eva smiles and leans down, hugging the man. We see the
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